P. D. and L. H. Railway.
The Private Stock All Subcribed
A meeting of the Provisional Board of Directors of the Lake Huron and Port Dover Railway was held in the Town Hall, on Tuesday afternoon [November 5, 1872]. There were present the President, Mayor Grey, Messrs. Clarke, Fuller, Marshall, Pitcher, Barker, Butterfield, Wilcox, Scott, Moore and Bullock. The stock books from the several municipalities were submitted, when the account found to be subscribed in each were as follows:
Woodstock, $26,500 Stratford, $26,100 North Norwich, $18,800 Port Dover, $15,300 South Norwich, $12,000 Simcoe, $18,800 Total, $104,700 The announcement of this amount—$4,700 more than is called for by the charter—was received with applause by members of the Board and a large number of other gentlemen present, who were naturally not a little gratified that their expectations had been more than realized. A motion was then moved and adopted to give notice of a call for two per cent. of the subscribed stock to be paid on or before the 10th of December, and a meeting of stockholders was appointed to take place in Woodstock, on the 17th Dec., for the purpose of electing a permanent Board of Directors. The Provisional directors, with Dr. N. P. Walker, Andrew Thompson, and Mr, Wilson in Port Dover and Simcoe, were authorized to receive the ten per cent. of subscriptions from subscribers and, after some other [illegible] business, the meeting adjourned.
Mr. Macpherson, of Rama, brought an action against the Toronto, Simcoe & Muskoka Railay Company before the Assizes now held at Whitby, to recover compensation for damages caused to [illegible] of cedar in Rama by fire, which, it was alleged, was caused by the carelessness of the company. The jury returned a verdict for the plaintiff and $700 last Saturday.
General News.
... Conductor Cooney, of the Great Western Railway, while coupling cars at Bothwell yesterday, was run over, and both legs were severed near the trunk. Dr. Moore left London to attend him, but he died last evening. He resided in Windsor, and was generally respected. ...
Notice is hereby given that the first call of Ten per cent. upon the subcribed Stock of the
Port Dover and Lake Huron Railway Company
is required to be paid into the Agency of the Royal Canadian Bank, at the town of Woodstock, or to Jas. A. McCulloch, S. S. Fuller, or Walter Marhsall, Esqs., of Stratford, Provisional Directors; to D. S. Butterfeld, Gilbert Moore or Seneca Pitcher, Esqs., of North Norwich; to Jas. E. Bullock, James Barker or J. S. Wilcox, Esqs., of South Norwich, Provisional Direcotrs; to Andrew Thompson, Esq., Dr. N. O. Walker, of Port Dover or William Wilson, Esq., of Simcoe (special collectors); or to Wm. Grey, Thomas J. Clarke or Thomas Scott, Esqs., Provisional Direcotrs, on or before the 10th day of December next.
Notice is also given that a General Meeting of the Shareholders of the said Company will take place at the Town Hall, in the Town of Woodstock, on Tuesday, the 17th day of December, at the hour of one o'clock P. M., for the purpose of electing a Board of Directors for the said Company.
Dated this 6th day of November, 1872.
Warren Totten,
Sec'y Pt. D. & L. H. R. Company.
Appears through Friday, December 13, 1872.
Railway Meeting.—A public meeting, called by the Mayor, to hear from the local directors of the Port Dover Railway scheme, was held in the Town Hall, on Thursday night of last week. The Secretary read from the stock books the amount subscribed in each locality, showing a deficiency of about $17,000 to make up the $100,000 required by charter. Of this deficit, it was explained that the Woodstock members of the Board had agreed to secure $3,500, and part of the object of the present meeting was to give them an opportunity to urge upon the citizens the necessity of assisting the diectors to make good their promise. A number of gentlemen were appointed to canvass the meeting, and, if necessary, the town and, as will be learned from the report in another column of a meeting of the board on Tuesday, they were highly successful, having secured considerably over the amount allotted to Woodstock, whose subscription if now the largest on the list.