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PublicationDate Page Title
The Globe and Mail 1940-01-13 11 The home forum|More about the old Belt Line
The Globe and Mail 1940-10-18 13 Crossing light flashes instead of wigwag urged
The Globe and Mail 1942-12-14 8 Oil-soaked rail bridge saved by firefighters
The Globe and Mail 1945-08-15 9 Cordite ablaze at Parry Sound
The Globe and Mail 1948-05-29 1 Two men killed as crane topples from rail track
The Globe and Mail 1949-03-25 11 50-car freight rips rail line, wrecks 20 autos
The Globe and Mail 1950-01-02 1 Cut in passenger trains will be only temporary.
The Globe and Mail 1950-01-04 3 Noon trains cut at Owen Sound
The Globe and Mail 1950-03-09 1 Hijackers raid CNR freight train at Washago stop
The Globe and Mail 1950-06-05 1 Derailed carnival train litters streets of northern town.|Monkeyshines on boxcars.
The Globe and Mail 1951-02-26 207 16 cattle victims of wreck, 32 survive ordeal in dark
The Globe and Mail 1951-07-18 3 Parry Sound oil cleanup nears end
The Globe and Mail 1951-12-24 2 Fire razes Kingston city block|Possessions lost.
The Globe and Mail 1954-01-02 1 Lindsay sheds at CNR station gutted by fire
The Globe and Mail 1954-01-06 26 Precious metals theft charged to Toronto pair.
The Globe and Mail 1954-01-07 8 See 1954 start on rail bridges over Rogers Rd.
The Globe and Mail 1954-01-14 1 Truck hits train, driver killed; charge gateman
The Globe and Mail 1954-01-14 2 Charge CNR gateman in crossing death
The Globe and Mail 1954-01-14 2 Dies after auto hits CNR train
The Globe and Mail 1954-01-19 7 Plan new road to get deposits of base metals
The Globe and Mail 1954-01-23 33 Train hits truck near Gormley, driver, 21, killed
The Globe and Mail 1954-01-25 1 8 Killed at crossing|Flyer hits loaded car in Napanee|Pictures on Page 9
The Globe and Mail 1954-01-25 2 8 die in crash at rail crossing
The Globe and Mail 1954-08-07 2 Flag station burns
The Globe and Mail 1954-09-08 2 127 diesel engines ordered by CNR.

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