June 1930, No. 388 Canadian Railway and Marine World (Toronto) Page 360, col. 1

Signalling and interlocking for Toronto central terminal area.

Toronto Terminals Ry. Co. has, we are advised officially, given a contract to General Railway Signal Co. for the supply and installation of signalling equipment and interlocking plants for the railway central terminal area in Toronto, along the Lake Ontario waterfront. The area in which the installation is to be made is bounded on the east by Cherry St. and on the west by John St. All train movements on the elevated tracks in that area will be governed by signals and interlocking to be installed. The equipment will be of the all-electric type. The amount involved in the contract is over $1,000,000. Signal towers of concrete and brick construction will be built by Toronto Terminals Ry. Co. at Cherry, ChurchChurch St. tower was built at and designated as Scott St. and John Sts., in connection with the installation, the dimensions of the tower at Cherry St. to be 3020×36 ft., and those at Church and John Sts., 20×50 ft. One-hundred and seventy-one levers will be installed in each of the towers at Church and John Sts., with provisions for 21 additional levers in each tower for future requirements; the Cherry St. layout will have a present installation of 52 levers, with provision for 44 additional ones for future requirements. It is stated that all the copper wire and cable in connection with the contract, a large total amount, will be bought in Canada, also signal bridges and as much other material as possible. The T. T. R. management will, at a later date, give consideration to the installation of additional interlocking plants at the Don River, some distance east of Cherry St., and at Bathurst St., the western limit of the area in which the Toronto waterfront grade separation is being carried on.

Railways: T.T.Ry.

Stations: Cherry Street, Don, John Street, Scott Street, Toronto