Tuesday, July 29, 1845 The Globe (Toronto) Page 2, col. 2

Toronto and Lake Huron Rail Road Company.

We announced two weeks ago the election of the Directors of this Company. A special meeting of the Board was held on Saturday last, when the following resolutions were passed, settling the long vexed question of the terminus, in favor of Port Sarnia:

1st. That the line of road shall commence at Toronto and terminate at or near Port Sarnia.

2nd.—That Frederick Widder, Esq., to be appointed the accredited Agent of the Company, to proceed to England to advocate the line of road adopted, to procure stock to be taken up, and in general to further the interests of the Company—and, lastly, that an instalment be called in of Ten per Cent. on the Capital Stock Subscribed.

The prospectus will be issued immediately.

