Friday, February 4, 1881 | The Globe (Toronto) | Page 4 |
Stratford and Huron Railroad.
Meeting of ratepayers of the Townships of Bentinck and Brant.
Elmwood, Feb. 1.—A meeting of ratepayers of Bentinck and Brant was held here last night to discuss railroad matters, and the following resolution passed unanimously, being moved by John Dirstein, and seconded by John M. Kerr:—
Whereas the Legislature of Ontario granted aid at the rate of two thousand dollars per mile to the Stratford and Huron Railroad from Stratford to Listowel, thereby acknowledging this line of railroad to be entitled to Government aid from Listowel to Wiarton. It is, therefore, evident that every ratepayer along the line from Listowel to Wiarton was under this impression, and upon the strength of expecting such aid the municipalities of Bentinck and Brant were induced to enter into contract with the Stratford and Huron Railroad, granting them a bonus of six thousand dollars per mile through the townships of Bentinck and Brant, the Company agreeing to finish the road in 1880, provided they received the Government aid, which Government aid if not granted will probably delay the road for years, and leave us in a very unfortunate position, for which the Legislature of Ontario would certainly be responsible. Therefore it is resolved that under the circumstances the Legislature are duty bound to grant the requisite aid to the Stratford and Huron Railroad from Listowel to Wiarton.
Railways: S. & H.Ry.