Thursday, January 11, 1900 The Globe (Toronto) Page 12

Interviewed Hon. Mr. Davis.

A deputation from the County of York yesterday waited upon Hon. E. J. Davis, and expressed the hope that connection between the Metropolitan Railway and the C.P.R. would not be unnecessarily delayed. Those present were:—County Councillor C. E. Lundy, ex-Warden Pugsely and Councillor Savage of Richmond Hill; W. H. Johnson, Councillor Pefferlaw; ex-Warden Andrew Yule, Aurora; Reeve A. B. Haines, Whitchurch; Reeve Samuel Lemon, King Township; ex-Warden J. D. Evans, Etobicoke; T. J. Robertson, Newmarket; ex-Warden Slater, Markham Township. Hon. Mr. Davis pointed out that the Ontario Government were not opposing the junction of the two railways but wished to have the question of jurisdiction clearly defined.

Railways: C.P.Ry.

