Monday, June 4, 1900 | The Globe (Toronto) | Page 1, col. 7 |
Trip to Depot Harbor.
On Saturday morning at an early hour the members of the Press Gallery left Ottawa upon a special train, which had been placed at their disposal by the Canada Atlantic Railway, for Depot Harbor. The party was in charge of Mr. A. W. Fleck, Secretary-Treasurer; Mr. Donaldson, General Superintendent; Mr. Geo. Mountain, Chief Engineer; and Mr. J. E. Walsh, Assistant General Passenger Agent. Breakfast was served at Madawaska, and upon arriving at Parry Sound the party was welcomed by Mayor Johnstone, Councillor Gledwin, County Crown Attorney Haight and others. After dinner the terminal facilities at Depot Harbor were inspected. The steel steamer Kearsarge, belonging to the Booth line, was at the dock unloading her cargo of 150,000 bushels of corn and several thousands tons of package freight, and the members of the party who had heard many long dissertations, theoretical and otherwise, upon the problem of transportation while performing their duties in the gallery, acquired much information of a practical nature by following the progress of the corn from the time the huge scoops, operated by compressor air, brought it to the elevating buckets, which removed it at the rate of 10,000 bushels per hour, until a few minutes afterwards, having been cleaned in the meantime, it was loaded in the waiting railway cars. From the time the tackle was put into position and the scoops were harnessed until the corn was loaded in the cars which to carry it to the seaboard, each of which was filled in a minute and a half, manual labor was dispensed with, the operation being performed entirely by machinery. The huge warehouses on the other side of the harbor, in which package freight is stored, and the wharves, which have a minimum depth of water of thirty feet, were also inspects. A pleasant sail on the Georgian Bay was followed by a drive through Parry Sound, calling at the Parry Sound Lumber Company's mill, where the large double-egded band saw was seen in operation, reaching the Rose Point Hotel in time for the banquet in the evening. The return journey was made to-day. Mr. G. R. Booth and Mr. Jackson Booth, who were unable to accompany their guests all the way, joined the party at Arnprior.
Railways: O.A. & P.S.Ry.
Stations: Depot Harbor