Saturday, January 27, 1900 | The Globe (Toronto) | Page 1 |
At the capital.
Position of the Banque Ville Marrie depositors.
A deputation interviews the Ministers at Ottawa—Schomberg & Aurora Railway application.
Special Despatches to The Globe
Ottawa, Jan. 26.—The Schomberg & Aurora Railway will apply to Parliament next session for an act enabling the company to extend its railway westward from Schomberg through the Township of King, Tecumseth, Adjala, Mono, Amaranth and Melancton, to a point at or near Shelburne, and thence through the Townships of Melancthon, Proton, Artemesis or Egremont, and Gleneig, to the Village of Durham, and to extend eastward from the present eastern terminus through the Townships of King, Whitchurch, Markham or Uxbridge, Pickering, Whitby and East Whitby, to the Town of Oshawa, and enabling the company to make running arrangements over the line of the Metropolitan Railway Company, or lease such line or purchase same, and acquire said company's other property and assets, and to extend the time for construction of the company's railway.
Railways: S. & A.Ry.