Wednesday, February 14, 1900 The Globe (Toronto) Page 9

Grand Trunk Manager

Rumors of Mr. Charles M. Hays' resignation—Story that the directors have been finding fault.

The rumor is again current in railway circles that General Manager Hays of the Grand Trunk Railway has placed his resignation in the hands of the directors. The officials in Montréal are reported to have emphatically denied the report, but the denial is not altogether accepted here. The story goes that the directors have been complaining of the nature and frequency of the accidents which have occurred on the lines of the Grand Trunk recently. The responsibility for the state of affairs which has made these mishaps possible is said to have been placed on Mr. H. McGulgan, General Superintendent of the system. Mr. McGulgan is one of the officials who was brought to Canada by Mr. Hays shortly after the latter took over the management, and he left a good position with the Wabash Railroad to come to this country. Mr. Hays has a high opinion of Mr. McGulgan's ability, and naturally resents the imputations case upon the latter's methods of running the road. Those persons who are not so friendly to the General Superintendent allege that he has been practically superseding Mr. Hays in the management. They say that the directors do not look kindly upon such a regime, and that a radical change is imminent. The upshot of the whole matter is, if the reports be true, that Mr. Hays has been so irritated by the attacks on Mr. McGulgan that he has sent his own resignation to the directors, or threatened to do so. At present it is impossible to obtain accurate information on the subject, and it is from rumors alone that the ordinary observer can form his conclusions.

Railways: G.T.Ry.

