Sunday, February 17, 1907 The Globe (Toronto) Page 28, col. 1

To capture big traffic.

New line from near Parry Sound to North Bay.

Messrs. Mackenzie & Mann of Canadian Northern ask Government to guarantee bonds of road—distance is about seventy-five miles.

The Canadian Northern Railway is planning to capture at least a share of the heavy traffic resultant upon the development of the rich mineral and timber resources of the Temsiskaming district, which includes the Cobalt silver field, and perhaps to enter that field itself. With that end in view Messrs. Mackenize and Mann have asked the Government to guarantee the bonds of a proposed line from a point nine miles above Parry Sound, on their Toronto to Sudbury section of the James Bay Railway, direct to North Bay. The distance is about seventy-five miles, and the guarantee asked is $20,000 a mile. At North Bay this new line would connect with the Government railway—the Temiskaming & Northern Ontario—which is to be continued to the junction with the Transcontinental Railway, in the vicinity of Lake Abitibi. Whether the Canadian Northern will construct a branch from North Bay into the Temiskaming district, on a route not now covered by the T. & N. O. Railway, remains to be seen.

The proposed new line would give, of course, connection between North Bay and the T. & N. O. at that point and Toronto, other than the single connection now given by the Grand Trunk Railway. It would do more than that: it would give the Government, as represented by the T. & N. P. Commission, the choice of securing from one of two roads a reasonable arrangement for continuous running rights of through trains to and from the Temiskaming country to Torointo, instead of being compelled to deal only with the G.T.R. as at present. There is a disposition to believe that the G.T.R. is not particularly anxious top do anything to help a Government road, and that this feeling may be the reason why negotiations for all the year round running rights which have been in progress for some time have not advanced very rapidly. The route from Toronto to North Bay, if the Canadian Northern's projected was carried out, would only be about nine miles longer than that of the G.T.R. It would also give a direction connection, as compared to the indirect connection, as compared to the indirect G.T.R. route, between North Bay and Parry Sound, with all that that would mean to New Ontario in the way of steamer connection on the lakes. There is some reason to believe that the Government is not unfavorably disposed towards this project of the Canadian Northern.

In regard to the request of the Canadian Northern for assistance for a proposed line between Sudbury and Port Arthur, thus giving direct connection between Toronto and Edmonton. The Globe understands that if aid is granted it will not be in the shape asked for by the railway. This, it is said, took the form of a request for a land grant and a cash subsidy, the aggregate of which it was reported yesterday would total somewhat over 5,000,00 acres and $2,000,000, respectively. It was further asserted in one quarter that the company asked in addition rights in respect to minerals and timber on the land which are usually withheld in giving such assistance. A majority of the members of the Government, it is said, are rather favorably disposed to guaranteeing the bonds of the undertaking, but are opposed to the land grant and cash aid idea, preferring to stand on the principle they have maintained int and out of office, that such aid should be given only in the most exceptional cases, where the interests of the public clearly warrant it.

Railways: C.No.Ry., G.T.Ry., T. & N.O.Ry.

