Thursday, March 21, 1912 The Globe (Toronto) Page 4, col. 3

Lake Erie and Northern Traction

Granting of government subsidy greatly encourages promoters.

(Special Despatch to The Globe.)

Brantford, March 20.—Announcement of the grant of a Dominion subsidy of the Lake Erie & Northern Traction line to Port Dover was received with satisfaction here today, and it is expected construction will be commenced this year. The new road will cost in the neighborhood of $2,000,000. Of this amount $500,000 will come from Brantford, both manufacturers and the city subscribing to the debenture stock. Bonds will be issued for $1,000,000. In construction the new road will be almost a duplicate of the New York, New Haven and Hartford line, electric locomotives being used. The route, which is approved by the Dominion Railway Board, is direct through Waterford and Simcoe to Port Dover. The directors of the company claim that Brantford, Paris and Galt will have all the advantages of the lake ports when the road is in operation, with the freight service promised.

Railways: L.E. & N.Ry.

