Tuesday, October 3, 1922 The Globe (Toronto) Page 5, col. 4

Freight train leaps tracks

Locomotive and five cars hurled into ditch—Engine crew escapes

Special Despatch to The Globe.

Chatham, Oct. 3.—The locomotive and five cars of the eastbound Wabash freight, running over the Grand Trunk tracks, left the rails one mile east of Jeannette's Creek station this morning, the engine and tender going into the ditch.

The fireman and brakeman jumped and escaped unhurt. The engineer, although caught under the debris, managed to free himself, and crawled out none the worse for his harrowing experience except for a few scratches. The damage to the tracks and merchandise will be considerable.

According to reports reaching the city, a gang of men were employed replacing some of the rails, and has just installed a new one and did not have time to fasten it properly before the train cam along. The heavy engine was too much for the insecurely fastened rail, with the result that engine and tender left the track and toppled over into the ditch.

Traffic is tied up, the Wabash trains being transferred to the Pere Marquette line, and the Grand Trunk passenger train due to arrive here at 5.15 from Windsor was cancelled.

Wrecking crews from London and Windsor are at work clearing the wreckage away, and a railway crane has been sent from Hamilton to lift the locomotive and tender out of the ditch.

Railways: G.T.Ry., P.M.Rd., Wab.Rd.

Stations: Jeanette's Creek

