Wednesday, January 8, 1930 The Globe (Toronto) Page 3, col. 4

Traffic is resumed after derailment

Sectionman hurt by mishap on Petrolia branch of C.N.R.

Passengers are shaken

(Special Despatch to The Globe.)

Sarnia, Jan. 7.—Traffic on the Petrolia branch of the Canadian National Railways was resumed this afternoon, after a London auxiliary spent six hours in repairing damaged roadbed following a derailment this morning. A sectionman, Robert Jenner, of Wyoming, was reported to be recovering from minor injuries suffered when he was struck by a handcar hurled against him by the train, causing a coach and a caboose to be forced over on their side in a ditch.

According to word reaching here, Mixed Local 365, proceeding from London to Petrolia, via Glencoe, had passed Wyoming, and was backing into Petrolia on the branch line. At a point known on the branch as the Twelfth Line, situated two miles north of Petrolia, the caboose struck a sectionman's handcar. Because of a heavy fog the engineer at the opposite end of the train could not see the car. The impact sent the handcar against Jenner, causing minor injuries. Other members of the section gang escaped.

Passengers in the coach received a shaking up, and several of the freight cars on the train were derailed, causing the roadbed to be damaged. The train was under Conductor Atkinson of London.

Railways: C.N.Rys.

Stations: Twelfth Line

