Wednesday, January 15, 1930 The Globe (Toronto) Page 11, col. 5

Mr. Crerar declines to press railways.

Refuses city's request to order work on grade separation.

Hon. T. A. Crerar, Minister of Railways, has refused the request of the city that the railways be order to proceed with the northwest grade separation, but he stated in a letter yesterday to Mayor Wemp that he would give consideration to various considerations outlined on the matter if the city would make a formal appeal to the Governor-General-in-Council against the order of the Board of Railway Commissioners.

"I have considerable sympathy with the desire of the City Council of Toronto to afford the maximum protection at the crossings in question, and I would like to present as clearly as possible my understanding of the factors that seem to have entered into the consideration of the situation by the Board of Railway Commissioners," Mr. Crerar stated. "The board, I understand, has before it at the present time very pressing demands for grade separation orders in various parts of Canada, and must give some consideration to the question of balance, so far as the grade separation fund is concerned, and to the financial position of the railways as well, and it is unnecessary for me to point out that recently the revenues of the railways have been very seriously affected by the crop shortage and the general world conditions, which have retarded the marketing of grain."

