Thursday, August 1, 1850 The Globe (Toronto) Page 2, col. 2

Legislative Assembly.

From the printed Votes and Proceedings

MondayJuly, 29th

 ..  The Order of the Day for the House in Committee on the Bill for the incorporation of a Company to construct a Railroad between the Niagara and Detroit Rivers:

Hon. Mr. Hincks moved, that the House do now resolve itself into the said committee:

Sir. A. McNab moved in amendment, that the House do resolve itself into the said committee this day six months:

And a debate arising thereupon—

Hon. Mr. Robinson moved, that the debate be adjourned till to-morrow.

Yeas:—Messrs. Baldwin, Bell, Cameron of Kent, Cartier, Chauveau, Christie, Crysler, De Witt, Drummond, Ferguson, Flint, Gugy, Hall, Hincks, Homes, Johnson, McConnell, McFarland, McLean, Merrirr, Meyers, Mongenais, Prince, Richards, Robinson, Scott of Bytown, Sherwood of Brockville, Smith of Wentworth, Tachè, Thompson, and Willson,—31.

Nays:—Messieurs Armstrong, Badgley, Boulton of Norfolk, Boulton of Toronto, Burritt, Cameron of Cornwall, Cauchon, Cayley, Chabot, Dickson, Fortier, Fournier, Fourquin, Guillet, Lacoste, Attorney General Lafontaine, Laurin, Lemieux, Lyon, Solicitor General Macdonald, Macdonald of Kingston, Sir Allan McNab, Malloch, Marquis, Nelson, Notman, Polette, Ross, Sauvageau, Scott of Two Mountains, Seymour, Smith of Frontenac, Stevenson, Viger, and Watts,—35.

The question being then put on Sir Allan N. McNab's motion of amendment, the House again divided,

Yeas.—Messrs. Armstrong, Boulton of Norfolk, Boulton of Toronto, Cameron of Cornwall, Cayley, Chabot, Chauveau, Christie, Crysler, Dickson, Fortier, Fournier, Fourquin, Guillet, Laurin, Lemaieux, Lyon, Solicitor General Macdonald, Macdonald of Kingston, Sir Allan McNab, Malloch, Marquis, McLean, Meyers, Nelson, Polette, Rose, Scott of Two Mountains, Seymour, Smith of Frontenac, Smith of Wentworth, Stevenson, and Viger.—34.

Nays.—Messrs. Att. Gen. Baldwin, Bell, Burritt, Cameron of Kent, Cartier, Cauchon, De Witt, Solicitor General Drummond, Ferguson, Flint, Gurgy, Hall, Hincks, Homes, Johnson, Lacoste, Attorney General Lafontaine, McConnell, McFarland, Merritt, Mougeuais, Notman, Prince, Richards, Robinson, Sauvageau, Scott of Bytown, Sherwood of Brockville, Tache, Thompson, Watts and Wilson.—32.


