Saturday, July 6, 1850 The Globe (Toronto) Page 2, col. 1

Parliamentary Proceedings.

Legislative Assembly.

Wednesday, July 3.

Petitions presented.

 ..  A message was received from the Legislative Council, agreeing to the Bill to empower Municipal and other Corporations to subscribe for stock of the Great Western Railroad Company, and other Railroad Companies, or other to aid in completing such undertakings, with several amendments.  .. 

Thursday, July 4.


Railroad stock.

Sir A. Macnab acquainted the House with the nature of the amendments made by the Legislative Council to the bill permitting Municipalities to take stock in railways. He thought it would be impossible to shake the determination of that House to limit the action of this bill, and therefore, moved the concurrence of the House in the amendments.

Mr. H. Sherwood urged the House to request a conference with the Council, in order that they might be induced to withdraw their amendments. The Corporation of Toronto as well as other Corporations desired this power, and it had been looked upon by all as a most desirable favour. As a proof, he mentioned the fact, that not a single petition against the Bill was before them, although every man in the country was made aware of its provisions through the reports in the newspapers.

Mr. Baldwin concurred entirely in the amendments made by the Council, as he conceived they were founded on a sound view of the subject. If other Corporations desired the same power which was conferred on the citizens of Hamilton, they ought to apply to the House for it, and it would of course be granted to them. However, as he was in the minority on the Bill when first introduced, he would not now oppose a conference with the Council, if the majority of the House desired it for the purpose of re-considering the amendments.

Sir A. McNab hoped the hon. member for Toronto [Sherwood] would not oppose the Bill.

Mr. H. Sherwood—Certainly not, at this late period of the Session it will be impossible to introduce another Bill, with any hope of getting it passed.

Sir A. McNab—There was no opposition in the principle, and if another Bill were introduced for the extension of these powers to other Corporations, it would be passed in a few days.

The amendments were then read and received the concurrence of the House.  .. 

Railways: G.W.Ry.

