Wednesday, August 24, 1853 | The Examiner (Toronto) | Page 3, col. 4 |
Commercial review.
It seems not altogether improbable that the Directors of the Grand Trunk Railway may encounter strong local opposition in determining the location of the line. Already a hostile movement has begun in Kingston, occasioned, we are told, by a [illegible] rumour that the main line of road will run eight miles north of the city. A public meeting has already given authority to a committee to act on behalf of the interests of the place and [illegible] personally on the question of [illegible] with the authorities of the Railway.
The location of the line at such a distance from the city is [illegible] viewed with somewhat savage eyes by the inhabitants. It is not of course our part to offer comment as the premises, Engineering difficulties alone might form a [illegible] reasons for giving a direction to a route disadvantageous to Kingston. But without prejudicing a subject on which further information [illegible illegible illegible illegible], it is not to be denied that such a thing has already happened in the Province as giving the go-by to a populous locality from reason of questionable expediency. There is [illegible illegible] to doubt that the authorities of the Great Western in order to evade the town of Dundas, ran the line in the face of the most stupendous engineering difficulties at such a position from the town as could hardly fail to draw the business in the more influential city of Hamilton. The bungling, and botching called [illegible] play for this purpose will be a standing monument of the [illegible] purpose to which schemes of public improvement are sometimes made to [illegible], and of the recklessness and [illegible] with which the [illegible] of a company may be administered to [illegible] a particular end.
The Kingstonians, whatever may the result of the movement, have acted with becoming prudence and [illegible] to understand the origin of these engineering difficulties which are to drive the Grand Trunk seven or eight miles north of their city.
The [illegible] of the population finds expression through the Advertiser who strikes out after the following bold fashion "one thing we can tell the Directors of the Grand Trunk Railway Company however, and [illegible] them to take warning therefrom, if the city of Kingston [illegible] not made a dept, after resigning her charter to the Trunk Company as implied if not directs understanding that some line was to be maintained [illegible], that she has been barely [illegible] and we further fearlessly proclaim that fifteen thousand people will not calmly endure such treatment—if Kingston is not made a depot according to the original charter, and the tacit understanding with the Grand Trunk Company as Grand Trunk Railroad cars will ever run within [illegible] miles, ten miles, or twenty miles of this city."
In connection with this it is worth the consideration of the Railway authorities that curves are found to be the greatest possible [illegible] when a Railway line is [illegible illegible illegible], and when it is of importance to attain speed, as of course it always is. Hear the remarks of a writer to the Railway Record:—"Curvature on railroads is the [illegible illegible illegible], whether by [illegible] or otherwise. Straight lines must, [illegible] and [illegible], be adopted, though at first more expensive, they are in the end more [illegible], and are certainly safest. Curves should be limited by law, one degree curve, of 5,730 feet radius, offers as much resistance to a train as a grade of 10 feet to mile. Two degrees equal 15 feet; 3 degrees equal to 20 feet; 4 degrees equal 25; feet; 5 degree equal 30 feet; 6 equal 35 feet—that is, if a 5 degree curve be located upon a level, it offers the same resistance to a train as would a grade of thirty feet to the mile, as a straight line."
The curves of the Toronto Northern Line are found a serious drawback to the satisfactory working of the road.
The Port Hope Guide draws the special attention of the Toronto Press to the fact that the Port Hope and Lindsay Road is not, and will not be, abandoned. The contractors are pushing forward the work, with all despatch. The location of the line as far as Millbrook has been determined, and the Engineers and officers of the Company, are now engaged in selecting the route from Millbrook to Lindsay, and a site for the terminus and station houses of the latter town. The By-Law will be immediately submitted again top the electors of [illegible] and to a certainty will be carried by a triumphant majority.
In the neighbourhood of Port Hope, workman employed by the Grand Trunk Company are busy quarrying stones.
The demonstration which was yesterday to take place at Belleville in honour of Mr. [illegible] was to be attended by a deputation from [illegible] to confer with Messrs. Jackson and Company [illegible] in the importance of connecting the County of Prince Edward with the Grand Trunk.
Railways: G.T.Ry.