Friday, July 30, 1897, Vol. 46, No. 28 The Newmarket Era Page 5, col. 3

The directors of the Aurora and Schomberg railway, at a meeting held in Toronto last week, decided to circulate a petition in the Township of King to secure the names of 50 freeholders favorable to granting the company a bonus of $12,000. This petition will be presented to the township council, which meets at Sutton's Hotel, Schomberg, on July 31st. If favorably considered a by-law will be introduced and read twice, after which it will be submitted to the people for their sanction before being finally passed. It has not yet been definitely decided whether the company will operate by electricity or steam, but the directors are favorable to building the line this fall or next year at the latest.

Railways: S. & A.Ry.

