Friday, November 17, 1899, Vol. 48, No. 43 The Newmarket Era Page 2, col. 1

Editorial notes.


The Globe of Monday calls upon the city authorities to enforce its rights as against the Metropolitan Co., in very empathic terms. It says: "Seldom has there been a more bare-faced attempt on the part of a public corporation to filch from a municipality its rights over its own streets than that made by the Metropolitan Company in connection with the application for permission to connect with the C.P.R., at Yonge st. crossing"; and yet, some of our county authorities are aiding the M.R.C., although Etobicoke, York, North Toronto and the City Councils all are antagonistic to granting the freight facilities the electric co. are making a big fight to obtain. The Globe calls attention to the fact that for the use of the street the company pay nothing, although "its presence upon that part of the street is a direct detriment to the property in that vicinity". No doubt the city will make the Metropolitan come to terms, for the agreement enables the City Council to order the discontinuance of electricity and return to horse-cars in twenty-four hours after notice. This will be enforced unless the electric co. takes a back seat.

Railways: C.P.Ry., Met.Ry.

