Friday, June 16, 1899, Vol. 48, No. 21 The Newmarket Era Page 3, col. 1

Cane's factory.

The new buildings are progressing finely. The masons have the walls up to the third storey on the machinery building. The stave building at the rear is roofed in and is being fitted up for the machinery as fast as the work can be pushed.

Orders are still rushing in for all kinds of work. Among the six car loaded this week one goes to Montréal and another to St. Johns, N.B., in the east; and as far as Vancouver in the west. There is no doubt but some of the woodenware goods manufactured in Newmarket find their way to Japan and the Klondike.

Mr. J. E. Cane left for the Christian Island on Wednesday to look after a raft of hardwood logs that will come down by train to Newmarket about the 1st of July and be manufactured into clothespins.

