Friday, June 16, 1899, Vol. 48, No. 21 The Newmarket Era Page 7, col. 3

The Schomberg Railway.

Direct route to Newmarket wanted.

To the Editor of the Era.

Dear Sir—I see in your valuable paper some opinion on the new Schomberg Railway. I agree with the route from Schomberg to Pottageville and Kettleby by the main travelled road to the 4th line, then north to the sideroad at lot 80, then half a mile east, then a little north to Millstone creek, up the creek to the 3rd line, through lot 80 to the 2nd line, then by the road to Mulock's corner.

This is the shortest and easiest made route, in the mostly thickly settled part of King Township and would be free from drifting in winter. A large local travel would be done to Aurora, Newmarket and Lake Simcoe; and the time from Schomberg to Toronto would not be lengthened much. If the road should be built to connect at Bond's Lake or even King City, this local travel will be lost as Newmarket is looked upon as the coming County Town.

As I know the Company is composed of honest, honorable and upright business men, who will take the best and most profitable route when they see their way clear, I hope that for the benefit of the public and the Company they will connect at Mulock's Corners instead of going by Mt Melock and the Ridges.

By interesting this in your valuable paper you will very much oblige

Your humble servant,
Jas. McGinnis.

Railways: S. & A.Ry.

