Friday, January 10, 1902, Vol. 50, No. 51 | The Newmarket Era | Page 1, col. 5 |
Town Council.
A special meeting was held last Friday night for the purpose of discussing matters in connection with the Metropolitan Agreement. Members all present except Councillor Hughes.
The President of the Company was present and explained the causes of delay in the construction of the road.
The following resolution was carried:
Whereas Mr. C. D. Warren, president of the Metropolitan Ry. Co. has at this meeting of the Council offered to deposit a cheque for $500 with the Town Council, to be forfeited to the Town in case the Railway Co. shall not complete its track to Huron St. in this Town by the 1st day of July, 1902, provided however, that no injunction be obtained enjoining the Railway Co. from proceeding with such completion of the track in which case the Railway Co. shall be entitled to two months after the termination of the litigation to complete laying of the track to Huron Street unless the Council desire that such track laying shall not at such time be gone on with;
Therefore the Council of the Town of Newmarket resolves that so soon as Mr. Warren shall deposit with the Town Clerk such cheque for $500, the said Clerk be and is hereby instructed to withdraw application to the Local Legislature of which notice has been given in the Ontario Gazette, and that the Town proceed no further therewith.
Railways: Met.Ry.