Friday, June 3, 1904 The Newmarket Era Page 8, col. 2

New Allandale station.

Although the Grand Trunk yards in Allandale are, as a rule, about as busy a spot as can be found in Ontario, the bustle has been increased during the last few days by the advent of a swarm of workmen who are engaged in jacking up the building used as restaurant, preparatory to moving it over to a spot in the rear of the offices and thus clearing the way for the erection of new waiting rooms. The building which is used as station and for the accommodation of Supt. Tiffin and his staff will be observed [sic] entirely for the latter who are baldy crowded for office room. An umbrella roof will connect it with the new station which in turn will be connected by means of another umbrella roof with the new restaurant rooms. The three building which are connected in this manner with one another will be so constructed so as to follow the curve in the main and will present quite an ornamental appearance, besides affording greater facilities for handling the large amount of traffic which converges at this point.—Advance.

Railways: G.T.Ry.

Stations: Allandale

