Friday, March 6, 1931, Vol. 80, No. 5 The Newmarket Era Page 1, col. 5

Would have people buy radial

Chairman of Industrial Commission tells Town Council about project for municipalities to enter railway business.

The regular meeting of the Town Council was held on Thursday evening, Mayor Nesbitt presiding. Also present were Reeve Dales, second deputy Smith, and Councilors Osborne, Lipson, Gladman, Williams, Robinson and Stiver; and the town clerk and solicitor, Norman Mathews, with Inspector Harry Smith in the near offing.


Shall the radial be bought?

Reeve Dales reported with regard to the proposed acquisition of the radial from town to Richmond Hill, to connect with the line now owned by the municipalities between the Hill and Toronto. The discussion appeared to reveal the Council's readiness favorably to consider the proposition.

The radial failed because it was capitalized at two million dollars, thought it was worth only two hundred thousand, Dr. Dales said. The road can be acquired at scrap prices, though the Toronto Transportation Commission does not want the municipalities to buy it, being wedded to a costly bus system, in which they have invested millions of Toronto's money to earn revenues far outside the city.

The fare to Newmarket is a dollar against sixty-five cents, on the radial. Dr. Dales is confident that the line can pay operating expenses, at least, under the low initial capital cost of $31,000, his present estimate, with a reasonable amount for rejuvenation.

It will be necessary to get adjoining municipalities to join in a project, yet to be worked out in all its details.

The discussion led to several members agreeing to go with the Reeve to interview the Toronto Board of Control on Wednesday, to learn how to roll the radial chariot along.

Railways: Met.Ry., T.T.C.

