February 1900, No. 24 The Railway and Shipping World (Toronto) Page 42, col. 2

Surveys, construction, betterment, etc.


Ontario & Rainy River.—Up to Feb. 12, 20.61 miles of track had been laid west from Stanley, & it is proposed to go on slowly until 40 miles have been laid. There is no object in rushing the work at this season of the year, & it is being done leisurely with a small gang of men, as the timber work is somewhat behind & prevents rapid progress. Over 1,000 men are engaged altogether on the line, & good progress is being made with clearing right of way, rock work, &c. No announcement has been made as to the further location of the line towards Rainy River, though the whole of the distance has been surveyed by several routes, & a decision has probably been arrived at. Several interviews with engineers have appeared in the daily papers, & are given for what they are worth. Engineer Dafter is credited with saying that the line will run between Bad Vermillion & Turtle Lakes through the Rainy River district. Engineer McCarthy, speaking of the line from the western end at Rainy River eastward, says it will run from the crossing of the river through the townships of Worthington, Dilke, & Morley, thence through the Indian reserve & the townships of Shenston & Dobie, continuing parallel to the river to Emo. (Jan., Pg. 9.)

A Minneapolis despatch, stating that the bridge over the Rainy River would be a mile long, is incorrect. The length will be only about 1,000 ft. The bridge will probably be a series of 150 ft. steel spans, with a draw or swing in the centre, the whole on concrete or masonry piers. Further information about this bridge is given under the head of "Manitoba & Southeastern Ry." There will be a large bridge across Rainy Lake, which it is said will take about 4,000,000 ft. of lumber. The Company has acquired all the water front from the boundary of Fort William along Thunder Bay, covering all the ground where the Neebing & Mclntyre rivers empty into the Bay. The town of Port Arthur is applying to the Ontario Legislature to confirm a by-law exempting the Co. from taxation for 21 years, & aiding the Co. in other ways. (Jan., Pg. 9.)

A Minnesota paper mentions a rumor that the Duluth & Iron Range Ry. will be extended from Tower, Minn., to connect with the O. & R. R. Ry., probably opposite Koochiching, Minn., which is situated on the south side of the Rainy River. Another report says that the Great Northern (U.S.A.) will build from Hibbing, Minn., to Koochiching.

Railways: G.N.Ry., O. & R.R.Ry.

