February 1900, No. 24 | The Railway and Shipping World (Toronto) | Page 43, col. 1 |
Surveys, construction, betterment, etc.
Ottawa Union Station.—As a solution of the difficulty which railways in Ottawa seem to experience in a marked degree at the present time, a terminal scheme is suggested by some local railway men & from the success attending such projects in other cities, it is by no means an unreasonable proposition. The fact, however, that some of the railway corporations are already secure in their rights & naturally inclined to tenaciously hold on to them is likely to have a militating effect against the successful accomplishment of any such scheme at the present lime at least, or as long as the city is disposed to grant franchises which is perfectly within its province. A terminal system, it is pointed out, would do much to mitigate difficulties experienced in the past & unknown at present in local railway circles. The scheme as operated elsewhere consists in the construction of a belt line by a terminal company owning all the tracks as well as the depots & on the payment of their proportionate share, allowing all roads to come in on an equal footing as well as being of benefit to industrial enterprises located in such a line. At the present time if a new railway wishes to enter a city it can get as far as the limits but no farther, inasmuch as the older roads first on the scene have acquired control of the running powers.—Ottawa Citizen.
Stations: Ottawa