April 1900, No. 26 The Railway and Shipping World (Toronto) Page 111, col. 3

Railway development.

Projected lines, surveys, construction, betterments, etc.


Canada Atlantic.—It is not expected that work will be started on the Central station in Ottawa this year, as it is not likely that the Department of Militia will vacate the military stores building in time. (Feb., pg. 41.)

An item is again going the rounds of the daily papers stating that this Co. has decided to erect a second grain elevator at Depot Harbor, with a capacity of 1,500,000 bush. We contradicted this report in Feb., and are again officially informed that it has no foundation. The Co. has all the storage & transshipping facilities at present required at Depot Harbor.

The Ontario Legislature has voted a subsidy to the Central Counties Ry. Co., whose line is leased to the C.A.Ry., to extend its Rockland branch, which now runs from South Indian on the main line to Rockland, 21 miles, a further distance of about 7 miles to Clarence Creek, the subsidy being at the rate of $1,200 a mile.

Railways: C.A.Ry., C.C.Ry.

Stations: Depot Harbor, Ottawa

