June 1900, No. 28 The Railway and Shipping World (Toronto) Page 175, col. 1

Railway development.

Projected lines, surveys, construction, betterments, etc.


Grand Trunk.—A handsome portico is being erected in front of the Bonadventure Station, Montréal, the interior being decorated, & a fountain is being placed among the flower beds & in front. Work has started preparing for the extension of the yards & sheds, a number of old buildings on Albert & adjoining streets have already been demolished. (Feb., pg. 38.)

Improved stations are to be erected this year at Queen St. East (Toronto) & Grimsby. They will be equipped with the Acton Burrows Co.'s enamelled iron station names. It is not intended to replace the present station at Harriston this year, as stated in a press report.

On the Chicago & G.T., W. Riley, formerly general roadmaster of the Chicago & Alton, has been appointed general foreman of construction. He will have charge of cutting down grades between Durand & Port Huron, Mich., with office at Davis Hill. The work of double tracking & cutting down grades between Thornton Jct. & Valparasio, Ind., will be in charge of P. H. Loftus, with headquarters at Valparasio. Both pieces of work will under the supervision of H. A. Woods, engineer in charge. (Dec., '99, pg. 348.)

Railways: G.T.Ry.

Stations: Grimsby, Harriston

