September 1900, No. 31 | The Railway and Shipping World (Toronto) | Page 293, col. 2 |
Canada Atlantic Railway elevators.
The illustrations on this page show the C.A.R. Co.'s elevators at Depot Harbor, Ont., & Coteau Landing, Que. The one at Depot Harbor on Parry Island, on the east side of Georgian Bay, takes grain from boats which have been loaded at any of the great lake ports, such as Fort William, Duluth, Chicago, etc., & loads it into cars. For physical reasons the marine tower was built separate from the main house with which it is connected by a belt conveyer. Following are the principal dimensions, etc.:
- Total capacity in bushels 1,000,000
- Length, in feet 290
- Width, in feet 80
- Total height, in feet 158
- Number of bins 98
- Depth of bins, in feet 53 to 71
- Capacity of bins, in bushels 1,400 to 12,000
- Number of elevator legs 4
- Capacity per hour each, in bushels 10,000 to 15,000
- Capacity of scales, in pounds 72,000
- Capacity of scale hoppers, in bushels 1,200
- Number of distributing trolley spouts 2
- Capacity from boats in 10 hours, in bushels 150,000
- Into cars in 10 hours, in bushels 90,000
- Length of power house, in feet 79
- Width of power house, in feet 56
- Number of boilers (horizontal tubular) 6
- Style of engine & number Two horizontal Corliss condensing
- Kind of condenser Jet
- Size & style of electric engine 10×18 horizontal
- Size of dynamo 35 KW
The grain which goes through the Depot Harbor elevator is loaded on cars & taken over the C.A. tracks to Coteau Landing, on the St. Lawrence River, about 37 miles up stream from Montréal. After passing through the Coteau Landing elevator the grain is loaded into barges & taken by river & canal to Montréal, where it is transferred to ocean steamships. Following are particulars of the Coteau Landing elevator:
- Total capacity in bushels 500,000
- Length, in feet 143
- Width, in feet 80
- Total height, in feet 158
- Number of bins 82
- Depth of bins, in feet 65
- Capacity of bins, in bushels 2,200 to 7,900
- Number of elevator legs 6
- Capacity per hour each, in bushels 8,000
- Number of scales 6
- Capacity of scales, in pounds 72,000
- Capacity of scale hoppers, in bushels 1,200
- Number of power shovels 6
- Number of distributing trolley spouts 12
- Capacity from boats in 10 hours, in bushels 100,000
- Into cars in 10 hours, in bushels 150,000
- Into boats in 10 hours, in bushels 400,000
- Length of power house, in feet 53
- Width of power house, in feet 41
- Number of boilers (horizontal tubular) 2
- Style of engine & number One horizontal Wheelock condensing
- Horsepower 250
- Kind of condenser Jet
- Size & style of electric engine 8×10 horizontal
- Size of dynamo 25 KW
- Capacity of fire pump, gallons per minute 350
Both these elevators were built from plans drawn by John S. Metcalf Co., Chicago, Ill.
Railways: C.A.Ry.
Stations: Coteau, Depot Harbor