January 1903, No. 59 The Railway and Shipping World (Toronto) Page 27, col. 1

Railway finance, meetings, etc.


Canadian Northern Ry.—Gross receipts are as follows:—

1902. 1901 Increase.
July $132,300 $87,200 $45,100
Aug. 130,900 97,000 33,900
Sept. 209,300 103,300 106,000
Oct. 190,200 120,610 69,590
$662,700 $408,110 $254,490

The gross earnings in Oct., 1902, were $152.76 a mile, against $145.66 in Oct., 1901.

The net earnings were: July, $50,723; Aug., $50,376; Sept., $69,285; Oct., $83,800. Total, $254,184. The Pond interest for the same period was $202,880, leaving $51,304 surplus.

A deed of mortgage securing the issue of second mortgage bonds was given to the National Trust Co., Nov. 1, 1902, and a copy has been filed with the Secretary of State at Ottawa.

Railways: C.No.Ry.

