Friday, December 22, 1871 The Woodstock Sentinel (Woodstock) Page 2, col. 6

East Zorra.


Railway Meeting.

At the close of the nomination, the ratepayers present constituted themselves into a railway meeting for the purpose of appointing Provisional Directors, to [illegible] in conjunction with others to be appointed by the several municipalities interested, to obtain a charter for a railway from Port Dover to Stratford. John Craig, Esq., was elected chairman and N.H. [illegible] requested to act as secretary. The Reeve of the township, S. G. Burgess, Esq., who was first called on, made a telling speech and was followed by other gentlemen, after which the following were unanimously appointed provisional directors for the township: S. G. Burgess, Reeve; Jas. Lockhart and John Craig.  .. 

