Friday, February 3, 1871 The Woodstock Sentinel (Woodstock) Page 2, col. 2

Aid to railways.

The following are the resolutions introduced by the Attorney General, providing that a part of the surplus now in the hands of the Ontario Government be expended in aiding the construction of railways.

  1. That the aid granted in the past by the late Province of Canada to railway purposes, connecting the chief centres of population and trade, has been largely instrumental in increasing the development of wealth and resources in this Province.
  2. That, looking to the beneficial results which have grown out of that policy, the necessity becomes apparent of no longer withholding like assistance to similar well considered and bona fide enterprises that may be undertaken through sections of the country more remote from existing thoroughfares, passing through thinly settled tracts and leading into our Free Grant Territory or to our inland waters, thus creating feeders to our main system of railroads largely contributing to a more extended settlement of our domain by a hardy and industrious population, and greatly facilitating the transport of the products of our agriculture and our mines and forests to markets largely seeking the same.
  3. That towards securing these desirable objects its is expedient that the sum of          dollars be set apart from and out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund of the Province and to be designated the 'Railway Fund.'
  4. That no Railway Company shall be entitled to such aid until they shall furnished proof to the satisfaction of the Lieutenant Governor in Council. 1st, That the Railway Charter authorize the construction of a road in the direction of our Free Grant Territory or pointing to our inland waters. 2nd, That the bona fide subscribed capital together with the bonuses or loans by municipal Corporations, and from the proceeds of bonds to be issued or authorized by such Charter, leaves no reasonable doubt that such road shall be commenced and completed, including sidings and station houses, so as at least to be ready for the rolling stock within the period mentioned in such Charter, provided that no Railway Company shall be held to be entitled to such aid for any portion of their road, for the construction of which a contract has been entered in since          day          1870.
  5. That the sum to be granted to any Railway Company coming under any of the classes hereinbefore mentioned and authorized by order of the Lieutenant Governor in Council to be entitled to receive the same shall not be less than          or more than          thousand dollars per mile.
  6. That before any part of the said railway funds shall be paid to any Company, the Commissioners of Public Works shall report, for information of His Excellency in Council, that such Company have completed their road in accordance with the conditions and requirements contained in the fourth preceding resolution.
