Friday, December 8, 1871 The Woodstock Sentinel (Woodstock) Page 3, col. 5

from Woodstock

to Lake Erie.

The necessities of our Trade demand the immediate construction of this Road!

We require it for an Inlet as well as for an Outlet!

It must and
will be built!

Being fully confident that a project manifestly of such vital importance to our prosperity and very existence will soon become an accomplished fact, and that thereby a new impulse will be given to all branches of trade and manufacture in this town,

David White, Jr.,

Has supplied himself with a more than ordinarily large and well selected stock of
Shelf and Heavy

In order to meet the anticipated largely increased demand.

Without attempting to enumerate ny of the articles in stock, or of the bargains we have to offer, D.W., Jr., simply asks a call from his many old and new Friends, and hopes to suit them all!

Special Inducements will be Offered during the month of December!

David White, Jr.

Woodstock, Dec. 1, 1871.

Railways: Pt.D. & L.H.Ry.

