Friday, January 10, 1873 The Woodstock Sentinel (Woodstock) Page 3

West Zorra.

Railroad Meeting at Youngsville.—On Thursday last, a railroad meeting was held at the School House Youngsville, in this township, in accordance with a respectably signed requisition to the worthy Reeve, John Young, Esq. We were glad to see a large and influential meeting of the ratepayers of this fine township and to see the deep interest they take in railway progress. The chair was ably filled by their worthy Reeve. Mr. Gordon, clerk of the township acting as secretary. The Port Dover & L. H. R., was represented by the President, Mr. Moore, Norwich; Mr. Parker, Woodstock, Vice-President; directors Redford and Fuller, Stratford; J. A. McCulloch, Stratford, Solicitor of the Co.; Mr. Sawtell, Woodstock, Secretary of the Co. Messrs. Moore, Parker, Redford, Fuller, and McCulloch spoke at some length on the advantages to be derived from the proposed road through this township, and offering to give West Zorra a station at or near Embro if the township would grant a bonus of $40,000 and Embro $10,000. The meeting was also addressed by Mr. Casey, M. P. P., St. Thomas, representing the Board of Trade in that rising town. Mr. Casey urged the claims of the Credit Valley Railway, but finished up by stating he did not care if it should go through Woodstock or Embro so long as it reached St. Thomas. The Mayor of Ingersoll, Mr. McDougall and Mr. Brown of Ingersoll spoke, but as these gentlemen had no railway project to propose, as their scheme of a road from Port Burwell has evidently died out they had very little to say on the subject of railways. After some discussion the meeting appointed a committee to confer with the Directors of the Credit Valley Railway, to see if they could be induced to carry their road through West Zorra, failing which they were instructed to open negotiations with the Directors of the Port Dover and Lake Huron Railway to see on what terms the Co. would promise to build their line and given them a station in the township. A vote of thanks having been passed to the Chairman for his able conduct in the char, the meeting then adjourned. We hope the people of West Zorra will see that they are only losing time in advocating the Credit Valley Railway as the Co. has decided to build their line from Galt to Woodstock, and the sooner they make up theirs to support the P. D. & L. H. R. R. Co., the better for themselves.—Herald Com.

Railways: Pt.D. & L.H.Ry.

