Friday, January 10, 1873 The Woodstock Sentinel (Woodstock) Page 3

Two Men Killed Through a Broken Rail.—A sad and unlooked-for calamity befell the Grand Trunk express train, No. 6, going west near Widder. The train was lengthy one, and attached to it was a Pullman sleeping car. Upon reaching what is called the Cauble bridge three miles east of Widder station, in the afternoon, the baggage car suddenly ran off the track, toppled over, and went crashing and careening down an embankment sixty feet in height, crushing out the life and mangling the bodies of two unfortunate mortals—the baggageman and brakesman. The cause of the accident was a broken rail, which three the baggage car from the track, the remainder of the train happily keeping upon the rails. The baggage car was of course battered and broken and after the bodies of the victims were removed, they were carried on to Sarnia. The mishap appears to have been purely accidental. The name of the baggageman was Douglas, who lived in Brantford, and that of the brakesman Wilkes, whose home was in Bertie. The passengers on board escaped all harm. A Coroner's inquest was held before Dr. Caw, Coroner, on the bodies of James Douglas and Charles Wilkes. The followed is the verdict:—"That the deceased, James Douglas and Charles Wilkes, came to their deaths on the 1st day of January, 1873, from the engine of the train on which they were employees mounting the rail, and we are of the opinion, from the evidence, that no blame can be attached to the Grand Trunk Railroad Co., or their employees, and we desire to testify to the praiseworthy act of the deceased James Douglas and Charles Wilkes for remaining at their post during the accident.—Beacon

Railways: G.T.Ry.

