Friday, December 20, 1872 | The Woodstock Sentinel (Woodstock) | Page 2, col. 1 |
Port Dover and Lake Huron Railway Company.
General Meeting of Shareholders—Election of a Board of Directors.
Pursuant to public notice by the Provisional Directors of the above Company, a meeting of the shareholders assembled at the council Room in this town at 1 o'clock on Tuesday last. At the houor appointed, so great was the attendance, that it was found necessary to adjourn to the Court House. There were not less than two hundred of the shareholders present. D. S. Butterfield, Esq., Norwich, was appointed chairman, and Warren Totten, Esq., Secretary. The chairman stated that the object of the meeting was to select a permanent Board of Directors. Mr. James White and Mr. J. M. Burns, of Woodstock, and Mr. Wm. Buckingham, of Stratford, were then appointed scrutineers, and the following gentlemen were nominated as Directors: For Stratford, S. S. Fuller, Esq., and James Redford, Esq.; for Woodstock, Thos. J. Clarke, Esq., Henry Parker, Esq., and Daniel Peacock, Esq.; for North Norwich; Mr. Gilbert Moore; South Norwich, Mr. Jas. E. Bullock; For Port Dover, Andrew Thompson, Esq., and Dr. N. O. Walker. The scrutineers reported that a majority of the votes of the shareholders had been cast for Messrs. Gilbert Moore, J. E. Bullock, Henry Parker, Thos. J. Clark, James Redford, S. S. Fuller and N. O. Walker. The report was adopted, and the gentlemen named therein were declared the elected Board. Cordial votes of thanks were then given to the Scrutinners, to the Chairman and to Mr. Warren Totten, the active and efficient Secretary of the Provisional Board.
At a meeting of the new Board subsequently held, Mr. Gilbert Moore, Norwich, was unanimously elected President, and Mr. Henry Parker, Vice-President, Mr. R. W. Sawtell, Secretary, and McCulloch & Grant, Stratford, Solicitors. Steps were taken for pushing forward the undertaking with spirit and energy. At this, the first meeting of the Board, business of considerable importance was transacted, and among other things a delegation consisting of Messrs. Gilbert Moore, Henry Parker and James Redford were appointed to wait upon the Government to secure a portion of the Railway appropriation fund, and we are informed that these gentlemen proceeded to Toronto yesterday for that purpose.
Railways: Pt.D. & L.H.Ry.