Friday, January 3, 1873 | The Woodstock Sentinel (Woodstock) | Page 1 |
Great Western Railway—its earnings.
From the statistical tables furnished by the Great Western Railway Company, the business of the road shows the following increase: The half yearly receipts for 1868 were £385,00; for 1870, £408,000; for 1871 £458,000; and up to the 31st July, 1872, the receipts amount to £550,734, which gives an increase upwards of £91,000. The greatest percentage of traffic has been "through," the local traffic, of course, bearing its share of increase on the main line of the road. The gross earnings per mile have been $10,403, which is the greatest for a single line on record. During the past week the very severe weather, coupled with very severe snow storms, has proved a great drawback to the speedy forwarding of freight. The mail for the last two or three months has been alive with trains, loaded to their utmost capacity with passengers and freight, and instead of push subsiding, as it has done heretofore, it has gradually been on the increase, until it might be said the strain is as great as the line can bear without increased facilities. One of the greatest interests [illegible] to be station room. The sidings, although many of them have been greatly enlarged, are found to be inadequate for the increased traffic, and also the number of cars, which is being added to with all possible speed. On great advantage which the company possesses is a track is first class condition. In fact, complete [illegible] pronouncement to be as [illegible] not the best [illegible]. The late heavy [illegible] have not been very regular, but this is in part owing to the weather, but more particularly to the connections at either extremity of the line. The Air Line will be opened for freight traffic some time in the beginning of January, which will be of a great benefit to the main line, in [illegible] of its crowded [illegible].
Railways: G.W.Ry.