Friday, January 3, 1873 The Woodstock Sentinel (Woodstock) Page 2, col. 4

Fatal railway accident.

On Christmas eve a shocking and fatal accident occurred at the Great Western Station, Guelph, whereby a railroad employee named Robert Mooney lost his life. He was a brakesman on the train which reached Guelph about half-past seven o'clock, and while engaged in shunting the cars, with his lantern in one hand and the coupling pin in the other, stumbled, by catching his foot in what is termed "the frog" in connection with the switch. Having on lace boots he was unable to withdraw his foot, and the train, which was moving at a very slow rate, passed over his body crushing his left leg and abdomen to a mass of broken bones and lacerated leg. The whole of left side was frightfully mangled, and his entrails protruded. The engine driver, in leaning from the engine window, observed the lantern fall, and at once checked the locomotive, and instructed the fireman to ascertain if anything had happened. The fireman found poor Mooney laying upon the track in the pangs of a horrible death. His remains were conveyed to the freight shed. An inquest was instituted by Dr. Herod, when it was ascertained that Mooney, was a resident of Québec, was unmarried and about 23 years of age, having been on the Western line some eighteen months. The accident having been of a purely accidental character, a verdict to that effect was rendered by the judge which meet at Newton's Hotel. The Great Western authorities furnished a coffin, and the body was interred [ ..  illegible  .. ] at their expense.

Railways: G.W.Ry.

