Monday, January 20, 1873 The Woodstock Sentinel (Woodstock) Page 20

Reply to Mr. Bursee.

To the Editor of the Sentinel:

Dear Sir,—Although I have occassionaly written short letters for the press over the signature Ratepayer, I am not the ratepayer that has been writing railway letters in your columns (although I endorse the sentiment embodied in them.) Hence it will be seen that my honourable friend Mr. Andrew Bursee has displayed the usual ignorance that he has always shown whenever he has written or spoken publicly during the last year, whether the subject was municipal matters or anti-railroad palaver. He says in his last effusion "answer not a foul according to his own folly lest then be like him." Now Mr. Editor this is Mr. Bursee's usual style when he finds a thing that is unanswerable (as I consider Ratepayer's letters are to Mr. Bursee) and he begins at once to kick and splash and throw dust in order to get away from the subject. Further on he says that I "may find a better field for my reasoning powers among the Bullfrogs of Michigan." Here again, Mr. Bursee like a sick dog returns to his vomit. He, the might Andrew, champion of the people's rights, the great anti-railroad candidate for municipal hours at the late municipal contest. He pledged and promised that if they elected him as one of their councilors he would preserve their interests and not allow their money to be squandered, nor the public property to be purloined. And what is the result? why poor Andrew municipally killed and not friends enough to act as pall bearers or sing a funeral requiem at the burial. Barely five persons having voted for the profound reasoner, the man who builds a man of straw and then gives him a cuff in the ear and knocks him over, and he had build a great many straw men, poor fellow, during the last year. With regard to his slur on me it does not annoy me in the least. I am too well known for anything that Mr. Bursee might say to injure my character. It is a well known fact Mr. Editor that I am about to remove to the West where I have purchased a farm during the last summer and I can assure that it is with feelings of regret that I make up mind to part with acquaintances, friends and business connections in this part of the country and more particularly in the Township of East Oxford. Having come to the Township when I was a mere boy and been a resident of it for upwards of twenty-five years I can look back with feelings of pleasure, as I know that I always have had a good circle of warm and trust friends in the Township who were willing to repose confidences in me as during the last eight or ten years I have held several position of honour and trust in the Township, being once a candidate for Municipal honours and, unlike my friend Mr. Bursee, I was defeated by an old councillor by a Majority of one. I take this opportunity of conveying to my many friends my very best feelings of regard for their past and present kindness to myself and family, (as I know that not a few of them are found among the readers of the Sentinel) and hope that I may still have their good wishes in my new home. I hope Mr. Editor you will pardon me for thus alluding to my own personal matter as I consider that to justice myself and family, when a nasty attempt has been [illegible] reflect on me [illegible] departure, it is my duty to [illegible] it back at the head of its venomous donor. This is not the first time I have crossed swords with Mr. Bursee. I have once or twice driven him into a corner and he always acted as in the present case—would not stick to the subject but commenced to be personal. In conclusion I would say to Mr. Bursee when you again see a letter in the press that does not suit you, go to work like a man and answer the objectionable parts of it, in an argumentative manner and not attempt to do so by reflecting on somebody else's reasoning powers or the largeness of his brain as I think you have quite [illegible] enough for reflection in this direction at home. Hoping Mr. Editor that I have not completely worn out your patience.

I have the honour to be sir,
Your very obedient Servant,
T. H. Arnell.

East Oxford, Jan. 13th 1873.

