Friday, September 7, 1928 The Toronto Daily Star (Toronto) Page 22, col. 6

East York

New Pottery Road bridge now opened

East York Reeve presided at Don Valley ceremony yesterday

Reeve R. M. Leslie of East York cut the ribbon which was stretched across the opening of the new Pottery Rd. bridge in the Don Valley, and officially declared the structure open for traffic. A steam roller from the township works department followed the reeve and members of the council across the bridge. A large load of bricks cause the old wooden bridge to collapse last year.

The township council after much deliberation decided that a concrete bridge should be constructed in its place and the contract was awarded to R. H. McGregor, M.P., some weeks ago.

The bridge construction was completed this week.

Residents of the district are extremely pleased with the new structure. The Don River at the bridge site has been widened and now there is not much danger of spring floods damaging the structure.

Reeve R. M. Leslie recalled the days when he was known to practically all as "Rube", and when with a number of other playmates he had carved his initials in the wood of the old bridge.

