July 17, 1915, Vol. 46, No. 3 Electric Railway Journal (New York) Page 121, col. 2

Fifty-mile Canadian line to be electrified.—Martin N. Todd, general manager of the Lake Erie & Northern Railway, Brantford, Ont., and president of the Galt, Preston & Hespeler Railway, has confirmed the report that the Lake Erie & Northern Railway is to be electrified for the whole fifty-two miles from Galt to Port Dover. Mr. Todd expects cars to be running on the Galt-Brantford line by October, and to Port Dover by November. It is likely that hydroelectric power will be used with substations at Galt, Brantford and Simcoe. It is stated that the two lines will shortly be amalgamated, with through electric railway service ultimately from Berlin to Port Dover.

Railways: L.E. & N.Ry.

