September 1931, Vol. 91, No. 11 | Railway Age (New York) | Page 422, col. 2 |
News of the Week
Canadian National.—This company has awarded to E.G.M. Cape & Company, Montréal, Que., a contract for placing a reinforced concrete deck, and for waterproofing, on the bridge which carries Dorchester Street over the excavation for the Canadian National's new central passenger terminal in Montréal. The bridge deck will be 615 ft. by 104 ft., while the amount of the contract is understood to be approximately $150,000. The bridge is expected to be open for traffic by the end of the current month. A contract has also been given to the Hamilton Wrecking Company, Hamilton, Ont., for the demolition of station and express buildings on Stuart and King Streets, Hamilton, which were replaced by a new station recently opened at James, John and Murray Streets.
Railways: C.N.Rys.