June 21, 1934 B.R.C. File No. 4205.1044 (Hawkestone)

Canadian National Railways
Legal Department
E. E. Fairweather, K.C. R. H. M. Temple, K.C. Refer to file no.
I. C. Rand, K.C. T. Waterson
D. B. Smith Montréal June 21, 1934

A. D. Cartwright, Esq.
Secretary, B.R.C.,
Ottawa, Ont.

Dear Sir:

Application is hereby made, under the provisions of General Order 119, for permission to remove the station agent at Hawkestone, Ontario, mileage 77.9 Newmarket Subdivision, and to appoint a caretaker in his place.

I enclose statement of earnings for the years 1931, 1932 and 1933, which amounted to:

1931 ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  .. . $7,633.00
1932 ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  .. . 5,267.00
1933 ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  .. . 5,398.00

Our officers do no consider the earnings justify the employment of an agent; one is not required for train operation and they claim that the business can be handled satisfactorily with a caretaker in charge.

The nearest open agencies are Orillia 8.4 miles to the north and Barrie 13.8 miles to south.

If this application is granted we will retain a telephone in the station for the use of the caretaker in giving out information to summer cottagers regarding train times and in disposing of freight shipments, etc.

A copy of this application and statement of earnings are being sent to:

Mr. H. J. Crawford Reeve of Oro Township Oro, Ont.
Mr. T. A. Stone Postmaster Hawkestone
Mr. Bert Graham Postmaster Oro
Mr. Wm. Patterson Postmaster Shanty Bay

Yours truly,
I.C. Rand
Commission Counsel.

Canadian National Railways
Statement showing the inwards and outwards tonnage and gross revenue, outwards number of passengers and gross revenue and inward and outwards express gross revenue at Hawkestone, Ont., monthly for years 1931, 1932 & 1933.
Freight Passengers Express Total freight,
and express
gross revenue
Inwards Outwards Total Outwards Inwards Outwards Total
Tons Gross revenue Tons Gross revenue Tons Gross revenue No. of pass. Gross revenue Gross revenue Gross revenue Gross revenue
January 1933 4 $34 117 $783 121 $817 517 $85 $22 $25 $47 $949
February 2 15 1 6 3 21 565 95 27 34 61 177
March 4 26 43 358 47 384 564 78 26 51 77 539
April 5 47 2 9 7 56 323 62 37 53 90 208
May 7 53 9 7 62 399 67 38 58 96 225
June 27 161 4 27 165 172 42 50 55 105 312
July 42 235 150 367 192 602 61 62 44 38 82 746
August 2 17 28 200 30 217 97 84 47 808 855 1,156
September 44 147 3 44 150 431 83 50 170 220 453
October 3 23 1 7 4 30 413 65 16 28 44 139
November 37 72 6 37 78 431 65 25 38 63 206
December 25 125 1 25 126 309 96 31 35 66 288
Total 202 $955 342 $1,753 544 $2,708 4,282 $884 $413 $1,393 $1,806 $5,398
January 1932 2 $15 $6 2 $21 297 $91 $29 $27 $56 $168
February 3 20 64 289 67 309 316 72 25 21 46 427
March 29 75 13 41 42 116 225 80 32 31 63 259
April 15 99 23 74 38 173 318 59 52 37 89 321
May 73 268 2 8 75 276 299 78 58 38 96 450
June 6 58 6 6 64 67 44 67 45 112 220
July 8 90 21 83 29 173 96 61 70 34 104 338
August 47 234 14 70 61 304 128 121 48 1030 1078 1,503
September 7 39 11 49 18 88 659 138 36 670 706 932
October 37 121 2 23 39 144 515 99 25 32 57 300
November 5 33 1 10 6 43 561 92 21 26 47 182
December 3 21 1 3 22 430 86 33 26 59 167
Total 235 $1,073 151 $660 386 $1,733 3,911 $1,021 $496 $2,017 $2,513 $5,267
January 1931 3 $21 234 $801 237 $822 385 $108 $46 $37 $83 $1,013
February 68 142 129 676 197 818 209 81 31 26 57 956
March 38 108 81 520 119 628 184 85 42 38 80 793
April 55 214 20 64 75 278 176 75 69 34 103 456
May 36 135 72 247 108 382 205 40 49 46 95 517
June 65 219 48 135 113 354 79 45 78 63 141 540
July 75 418 23 80 98 498 121 103 83 55 138 739
August 16 104 11 38 27 142 145 108 84 254 338 588
September 40 100 176 246 216 346 282 95 63 402 465 906
October 65 283 40 194 105 477 264 66 42 46 88 631
November 7 52 61 133 68 185 336 80 25 30 55 320
December 3 22 1 3 23 262 64 52 35 87 174
Total 471 $1,818 895 $3,135 1,366 $4,953 2,648 $950 $664 $1,066 $1,730 $7,633

Library and Archives Canada Col. RG46 Vol. 1370 File 4205.1044

Railways: C.N.Rys.

Stations: Hawkestone