Thursday, June 22, 1905 | The Northern Advance (Barrie) | Page 8 |
Formally opened.
Allandale new depot and dining hall now busy.
The opening of the new G.T.R. depot and dining hall at Allandale was formally marked on Monday morning when Superintendent Tiffin and a part of gentlemen, including members of the local Press, celebrated the inauguration by a cold collation and the breaking of the customary bottle of win. Through the courtesy of the Superintendent, the party had previously had an opportunity of making a thorough inspection of the premises. The company has expended in the neighborhood of $35,000 to $40,000 on this part of the Allandale improvements, and a sum in all equalling about $175,000. The Pulling Building Co. of Windsor had the construction contract, the Bamfield Co., also of Windsor, the decorations, and the Bennett & Wright Co. of Toronto the heating, lighting and plumbing. For the benefit of our readers we present the following from our issue of May 11th:—
Nowhere along the line, perhaps, is there to be seen a handsomer or more conveniently arranged station. it is within the mark to say that the interior decorations and fitting are not surpassed by anything of the kind to be found from terminal to terminal.
The depot and dining hall make two separate buildings of one story each, connected by an umbrella-roofed shelter or shed. They are erected upon concrete foundations, and are of yellow vitrified brick with stone settings and wooden superstructure, the whole surmounted by a red tile roofing, thus imparting a beautiful appearance. The upper windows are fretted, and on the exterior both windows and doors are bordered with a screen-work of blue and yellow, giving a sort of Chinese cast, while the over-hanging roof, studded with electric lights on its lower side, presents at night an imposing aspect.
In the general waiting-room a bay-window looking to the south commands a fine view of the water. The wainscotting is finished in white and gold with walls of blue. Four elegant chandeliers comprise the light fixtures. A couple of beautiful landscape paintings, typical of pioneer times, add greatly to the mural decorations. Off the general waiting-room is a curtained alcove with side pillars, the furnishings of which are designed for the comfort and convenience of the ladies.
The men's smoking-room is finished in weathered oak with walls of green and gold. A tile-floored lavatory with brick siding and marble fitting adjoins.
Between the aforesaid rooms lies the ticket office with its handsome wickets and light-wood wainscotting. Here, as elsewhere, the interior decorations are of the finest. Above this office, with which it is connected by stairs, is an observatory tower overlooking Kempenfelt Bay. An excellent view of Barrie and its environs may be had from this coign of vantage. A large and commodious baggage room will amply supply the needs of the travelling public.
The crowning feature of the whole is, perhaps, the dining hall. This is a capacious structure, high-walled, the wainscotting being done in white, blue and gold, with mural effects of deep red and cream colored ceiling. Nothing handsomer could be desired. The wood-work of the lunch counter is a rich mahogany and harmonizes well with the surroundings. Accommodation for fifty travellers can be had exclusive of the part containing the tables, which will seat sixty. An abundance of side mirrors enhances the general appearance. Washstands are among the facilities for the people's welfare. In fact everything seems to have been carefully studied. Adjoining the dining room is the kitchen, provided with all the latest culinary appliances. A cellar which runs underneath furnishes ample storage space. The bar decorations and appointments are of the most approved design and in keeping with the rest of the building. From the brass foot-rail to the mirrored sideboard no detail has been overlooked. The matter of ventilation has received special attention, and there will be an absence of that stuffy atmosphere that so often pervades lunchrooms. A side office and cigar stand completes the suite.
Heating and lighting have met with careful consideration. The buildings are warmed throughout by a steam system, while electric light supplied from the company's own plant brings the whole up to the standard of modern requirements.
The space between the railway tracks and the water's edge is beautifully terraced and, clothed as it is as this season of the year with nature's richest verdure, contributes materially to the charm of the surroundings.
Altogether, no prettier getting-off spot than Allandale is presented on the road, and the weary traveller in search of refreshments as he alights from the train will find awaiting him within both cheer and comfort.
Railways: G.T.Ry.
Stations: Allandale