March 1909, No. 133 | The Railway and Marine World (Toronto) | Page 199, col. 1 |
G.T.R. betterments, construction, etc.
London, Ont., improvements.—The Board of Railway Commissioners sat in London, Ont., Feb. 25, for the purpose of considering the questions of the Adelaide St. crossing, the G.T.R. crossings in East London, and the West Lome crossings. It is understood that the question of the track elevation will be affected by the decision in the matter upon the London city crossings. The Mayor had a conference with E. H. Fitzhugh, Third Vice-President G.T.R. , prior to the Commission's meeting.
It was stated in London Feb. 12 that the Chief Engineer had completed the company's plans for track elevations, etc., in London, Ont., and that they would be submitted shortly for the consideration of the General Manager. The plans, it is said, provide for the elevation of the tracks for five or six blocks, and the erection of a new station.
Railways: G.T.Ry.
Stations: London