May 10, 1941 B.R.C. File No. 39310.51 (Tweed Sub. - Yarker to Tweed) (Ottawa)

Canadian National Railways

Passenger Traffic Department

Toronto, Ont. May 10, 1941

File 520.430 TM/WS

Circular T-692

To all Agents Toronto Territory

and Principal Agents other Territories:—

Discontinuance of train service on Tweed Subdivision between Yarker and Tweed effective with close of business, May 31st, 1941

Effective with close of business May 31st, 1941 train service on the Tweed Subdivision, between Yarker and Tweeed, will be abandoned.

Sale of tickets, and checking of baggage to or from the area affected to be discontinued in accordance with this advice.

Agents Yarker to Tweed inclusive will be furnished with handbills announcing the above, and these should be displayed prominently on station premises and otherwise to best advantage.

Please notify all concerned.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

R. C. Gadsby
G. H. Bush
North Bay
H. C. Bourlier

Railways: C.N.Rys.

Stations: Tamworth, Tweed, Yarker

