February 1916, No. 216 Canadian Railway and Marine World (Toronto) Page 76, col. 3

Brantford sells part of Grand Valley Ry.

Brantford, Ont., property owners approved, on Jan. 3, by a majority of 396, a bylaw to sell the Paris-Galt section of the Grand Valley Ry. to the Lake Erie and Northern Ry. for $30,000. The right-of-way of the Blue Lake siding is granted to the L.E. and N. Ry., but the ties, rails, poles, wire and other material are reserved to the Brantford Municipal Railway Commission. The L.E. and N.R. agrees to operate its entire line from Galt to Port Dover by electricity only; and agrees not to operate within the Flats district of Paris except for freight only, and upon such furlher conditions as shall be approved by the Brantford City Council. The agreement is to be ratified by the shareholders of the L.E. and N.R., and approved by the Board of Railway Commissioners and the Dominion Parliament.

A Brantford press dispatch of Jan. 24 says that the third reading of the bylaw was laid over by the city council for two weeks, some aldermen taking the ground that it would have been submitted to all voters and not to the property owners alone, and that the proposed sale price of $30,000 is insufficient.

Railways: G.V.Ry., L.E. & N.Ry.

