March 1916, No. 217 | Canadian Railway and Marine World (Toronto) | Page 112, col. 2 |
Lake Erie and Northern Railway operation.
The L.E. and N. Ry. started operating the Galt-Brantford section of its new electric railway, Feb. 7, the first train leaving Galt at 7 a.m. The service at present is a two hour one, the cars leaving Galt on the odd hours and Brantford on the even hours. It said that as soon as a connection is made with the Dominion Power and Transmission Co's line from Brantford, which will probably be early in March, that the service will be made an hourly one. The service put in operation Feb. 7, was for passengers only, but it was expected to put a freight service in operation later.
Lake Erie & Northern Car.
The illustration above shows one of the eight full vestibule interurban passenger cars put in service recently on the L. E. & N. R. and which were fully described in the Canadian Railway and Marine World for February, pg. 67.The line starts at the Soap Works in Galt, and follows the Grand River to Paris, running more or less parallel with the Grand Valley Ry., the right-of-way of which has been acquired by the company from the city of Brantford. In Paris the line leaves the river valley and follows the top of the bluff overlooking Paris from the east. On this bluff is the Paris station, which is built to C.P.R. standard plans. From Paris to Brantford the line continues to follow the Grand River, although there are a couple of stretches where the river is not to be seen from the car. As Brantford is approached the line again runs close by the stream. The entrance into Brantford is through the Holmedale section of the city, and the only Brantford street to be crossed by the line is Mill St. Just before reaching the present terminus of the line at Lorne bridge, there is a freight shed, built on the style of the C.P.R. freight shed in Galt, and also a brick car barn, in which are also located the transformers.
Railways: L.E. & N.Ry.