January 1917, No. 227 Canadian Railway and Marine World (Toronto) Page 19, col. 2

Railway development, projected lines, surveys, construction, betterments, etc.


Grand Trunk Ry.—A large amount of work has been done in the vicinity of the Victoria Jubilee bridge, Montréal, in retaining land for yard purposes. It has been going on for many years, and is a slow process, but when completed will give some much needed space for additional freight tracks.

Negotiations are still in progress between the City of Brantford, Ont., and the Board of Railway Commissioners as to the cost of the subway under the G.T.R., on St. Paul's Ave.

The new station erected at Port Colborne, Ont., is a brick structure over 100 ft. long, laid out in the most modern manner. New freight sheds and offices have also been erected and are in use. The yard facilities have been considerably improved.

A new classification yard has been practically completed at Pontiac, Mich., with a capacity of 456 cars. A new steel bridge on concrete abutments is also being erected to carry a double track. In connection with this new yard work there will be laid 2.08 miles of new second track.

The company is laying 7 miles of new second track easterly from Milwaukee Jct., with a new receiving, departure, and classification yard with a capacity of 2,040 cars. All the grading is practically completed and track has been laid to accommodate 600 cars.

Railway and Marine World for Oct. 1916, have on page 400 some particulars of the new G.T.R. shops being built at Port Huron, Mich., to replace those burned in the winter of 1914-15. The building will cover a total area of 55 acres, a considerable area being devoted to the trackage necessary and are estimated to cost $700,000. Power for the operation and lighting of the plant in the various buildings will be supplied six 150 h.p. boilers, serving double turbo steam generating units of 300 k.w. (Dec., 1916, pg. 484.)

Railways: G.T.Ry.

Stations: Brantford, Port Colborne

