January 1924, No. 311 Canadian Railway and Marine World (Toronto) Page 29, col. 2

Canadian National Railways construction, betterments, etc.


Rowan, Ont.—Grading of the line revision on the Canadian Northern near Rowan commenced in 1922 and completed in 1923. Track was also laid during the year but not ballasting done. The connection from the revised line to the National Transcontinental Ry. also commecned in 1922, was completed in 1923 and put into operation. Grading was commenced on a continuation of the Rowan line revision, from mile 35.65 to mile 32.0, Kashabowie Subdivision. This work is approximately 65% completed. The grading contractor is W. A. Dutton, Winnipeg.

Railways: C.N.Rys.

